Full Tender Estimate & BOQ

The Full Tender Estimate & BOQ is a more detailed document that consists of a Bill of Quantities as well as Trade Quotes from your preferred contractors and suppliers that will help make your project deliverable after you’ve signed your contract.

We’ll meet several times throughout this process to ensure you as the builder are comfortable with where everything is at and are confident to deliver the project.

myProject Price has software built to make contacting trades with quote requests quick and efficient, with a clear description and scope of work emailed to each specific trade. Helping prevent the ‘confusion’ issues that happen on site.

Everything can be exported from our software and uploaded into your project management or cost recording software such as Buildertrend, Databuild, etc.

There are many ways to amend the way the BOQ is presented and we are happy to work out the way that works best for you but essentially the BOQ will include:

  • Detailed Scopes of Work
  • Orderable Quantities
  • Trade & Supplier Quotes

Working with myProject Price is a collaboration where we work together with our builders. We look forward to helping you build a strong project pipeline.

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